COVID-19 Update
It's Business as (un)Usual
As global citizens, we recognise the seriousness of COVID-19. We have taken numerous steps to significantly reduce the chance of spread and will continue to follow guidelines outlined by the Government and World Health Organisation (WHO).
SCF continues to play our role as an essential service provider, being a key link in the Australian supply chain for the movement of freight across the nation through the provision of containers. We are supplying essential container equipment to transport providers and to customers who are responsible for crucial logistics services such as the transport of food and medical supplies, chemical manufacturing and storage, and of course supplying numerous businesses with our rapid-deployment accommodation to facilitate the timely ramp-up of off-site operations.
SCF’s offices and depots remain open and will continue to operate under these strict protocols to ensure all stakeholders are protected. As the situation evolves, we will implement the recommendations made by the relevant authorities to ensure that we continue to do our bit to reduce the spread, while remaining operational.
We Take Safety Seriously
Our 1Focus safety initiative has been critical to the success of SCF. Safety for our staff, contractors and customers.
We have introduced a range of programs and initiatives that have been successful in reducing workplace incidents whilst helping to maintain the well being of our staff. It is something that is instilled in our culture. It is also discussed and reviewed regularly, at Board level right the way through to daily Depot meetings.
Reducing the Risk of COVID-19
As we adapt to a new environment in light of COVID-19, we have introduced a range of additional measures to ensure we do our bit in stopping the spread.
Our Staff
Our staff are well versed with a broad range of safety protocols.
- All team members are maintaining adequate social distancing between each other.
- Our expectations in relation to hygiene has increased in line with recommendations.
- All office and internal depot surfaces are cleaned regularly throughout the day.
- Ample hand sanitiser, soap and germ eradicating spray has been provided for all offices and depots.
- Our office teams are being supported with work from home arrangements to protect our staff and customers where applicable
- All interstate travel has ceased until further notice
- All meetings with external stakeholders are being conducted via online channels in applicable states
- All visitors to depot, including customers and suppliers, have ceased in some states. Please call 131 132 if you have any questions
Our Drivers
Our delivery drivers have been exposed to our rigorous safety standards for many years. The only minor change is that they now remain in their cab AT ALL TIMES. A depot team member will now deliver the paperwork to their truck, when parked in the approved waiting bay.
Our Customers
Our customers can expect new high level of hygiene standards.
- Each container that is returned to our depots is disinfected on all touch points. This includes locking rods, handles, windows etc
- Each returned container is then placed in an isolated area for 48 hours
- Each outbound container is also disinfected on all touch points just prior to departure
Please Take Care of Yourself
This is uncharted territory for all. We remain committed to helping our customers through these troubling times and assisting them to provide key logistics services and essential storage options around the nation, through the supply of containerised equipment.
Please take care of yourself through this challenging time.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, or want to talk to someone about your concerns, please visit Beyond Blue.